About Paul's Farm

Welcome to Paul’s Farm, Leyland

My name is Kevin, known to family and friends as ‘Farmer Kev’!

We’re a small family run farm, with just over 300 acres of arable land, a 40 stable livery yard, a farm shop, fabrication business, honey bees and, of course, the annual October pumpkin patch.

My family originate from Hesketh Bank, where they still farm today. However, back in 1939, just before the outbreak of the Second World War, my Great Grandfather bought Paul’s Farm for my Grandad.

We’re not sure who Paul actually was, but we think he was probably one of the previous owners of the farm, way back in the mists of time. Either way, we like to think he would be impressed with how the farm has grown and diversified over the years since my Great Grandfather acquired the land.

We’re also pretty sure he’d be excited to have a pumpkin patch named after him and to see so many young families come to the farm to join in the fun each October.

I was inspired to try growing pumpkins after reflecting on several autumn visits to the United States, where Halloween and pumpkins are taken very seriously indeed!

So, in 2021, we planted a few thousand pumpkin plants and Paul’s Farm Pumpkin Patch was born. We weren’t too sure what to expect. Would the plants grow? Would they produce pumpkins? Would anyone want to come and visit us? Luckily, the answer to all three of those questions was ‘Yes’!

In fact, it’s fair to say that we’ve been absolutely blown away by the support we have received for the patch over the first couple of years and we’re humbled by the number of visitors who have chosen to visit us to pick their perfect pumpkin.

At Paul’s Farm Pumpkin Patch we’re committed to offering great value for money, helping our visitors to enjoy an authentic farm experience (including plenty of mud and muck) and working closely, where possible, with local businesses and charities.

Of course, none of this would be possible without our amazing army of volunteers who give up their weekends and work tirelessly each year to ensure things run as smoothly as possible. So don’t forget to give them a massive ‘high five’ when you come to see us.

2024 is our fourth year of opening the pumpkin patch and we’ve grown lots of different varieties for you to enjoy! We’ve also been busy making improvements to our infrastructure to help improve your farm and pumpkin experience.

So, we look forward to seeing you, whether you’re coming to see us for the first time, or paying a return visit.

You’ll find plenty of useful information on our website and on our Facebook page to help you plan your visit, so please have a look around and don’t forget to check out our Frequently Asked Questions.